• Brother Lou Defillipantonio will be our guest speaker this Wednesday night December 13
  • November 17 will be our Thanksgiving fellowship. Dinner will be provided. Please bring a dessert or a side dish.
  • There will be no midweek service the day before Thanksgiving.
  • On the Saturday following Thanksgiving, the 30th, we will gather to decorate the church for Christmas at 11 AM. Lunch will be provided for all who help with this.
  • December 14 is the tree lighting in Akron. We will go and hand out tracts and invites for our Sunday before Christmas service.
  • Our Christmas fellowship will be on December 15. Brother Rich Overton will be our guest speaker that morning.
  • December 21 is our caroling activity. We will meet here at the church at 4 PM. If you know of someone you would like us to go and sing for in the immediate area please let Pastor know.
  • Christmas Day we will hold our regular Wednesday night service at 6 PM
  • We will have a fellowship New Years Day at 11 AM. We will hold our regular Wednesday service earlier at 1230 PM.